Home » Bursting back into the Blogging Sphere: My First Post

Bursting back into the Blogging Sphere: My First Post

My first post – Happy first day of June! It’s almost officially the start of summer.

I can’t say how excited I am to be launching my blog, I used to run a parenting blog previously but gave it up a few years ago as optimising my posts for SEO was very time consuming. A 5 year old a toddler and a baby, I only had a couple hours spare in the evenings. People may think blogging is easy but it requires a lot of patience and discipline which by the end I had neither.

Starting this new journey again opens so many doors that I’ve been hiding behind for so long and I can’t wait to start blogging again and sharing all my thoughts.

Writing has always been a passion of mine, and I’m eager to see where this new venture will take me.

I’m grateful for the support of my friends and family who have encouraged me to pursue this new endeavor. Their words of wisdom and encouragement have given me the confidence to put myself out there again.

This blog will be different to my last, in this blog you will find a variety of topics, food recipes, travel, beauty and fashion, of course parenting and everything else in between.

I hope that my blog will not only provide me with a sense of fulfilment but also make a positive impact on the lives of my readers. I’m excited to see what the future holds and can’t wait to get started.

Stay tuned for more content in the near future. In the meantime, please feel free to reach out and connect with me on social media.

Caryl Ann
