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National Random Act Of Kindness Day

Did you know that today is National Random Act of Kindness Day? 

It’s a day dedicated to spreading joy and positivity by doing something nice for someone else, without expecting anything in return. 

And let’s be real, with everything going on in the world right now, a little extra kindness is always a good idea.

Teaching my kids about kindness is always a top priority for me. 

I truly believe that teaching our children about kindness will help them to become caring, empathetic individuals who will make a positive impact in the world. 

From holding the door open for someone to giving a compliment, there are so many simple yet impactful ways that you can brighten someone’s day.

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Here are a few ideas for random acts of kindness specifically for kids:

  • Let somebody go first. Whether it’s in line at the counter or on the playground, giving someone else the chance to go first can make a big difference.
  • Ask somebody who is by themselves to come and play. It can be tough to be left out, so extend a hand and invite them to join in on the fun.
  • Bring flowers for a grown-up. Whether it’s your teacher, a family member, or a neighbour, a simple bouquet of flowers can bring a smile to their face.
  • Hold the door open for somebody. It’s a small gesture, but it shows that you care about others and their well-being.
  • Give some toys to a charity shop. If you have toys that you no longer play with, consider donating them to a charity shop so that they can bring joy to another child.
  • Pick up rubbish. Keeping our planet clean and beautiful is an act of kindness that benefits everyone.
  • Smile at people. A smile is contagious, and it can brighten someone’s day in an instant.
  • Feed the birds in the garden. Taking care of our feathered friends is a lovely way to show kindness to nature.
  • Give a compliment to someone. Whether it’s about their outfit, their hair, or their kind heart, a genuine compliment can lift someone up.
  • Help around the house. Pitching in with chores without being asked can be a huge help to your parents and is a thoughtful act of kindness.
  • Bake some cakes for loved ones. Who doesn’t love a homemade treat? Share the sweetness with those you care about.
  • Paint rocks with pretty pictures for others to find. Adding a little beauty to the world for someone to stumble upon can be a delightful surprise.

So, there you have it – 12 simple yet meaningful ways that you can spread kindness today (and every day!)

Random Act of Kindness Projects

You can also explore various random act of kindness projects to engage in with your kids.

One of my absolute favourite random act of kindness projects for kids is the kindness jar. 

This is such a simple yet powerful way to encourage children to show kindness to others. 

All you need is a jar (or any container), some strips of paper, and a pen. 

Have your child write down act of kindness they can do for others on each strip of paper, and then place them in the jar. 

When they’re feeling inspired, they can pull out a strip and complete the act of kindness for someone else. 

It’s a great way to encourage them to think about others and spread love and positivity. 

Another fantastic project is creating gratitude cards. 

Encourage your child to make little cards or notes expressing their gratitude and appreciation for someone in their life – whether it’s a friend, family member, or even a teacher. 

They can get creative with their cards, decorating them with drawings, stickers, or whatever else they like. 

Then, they can deliver the cards to the recipients, spreading smiles and warmth wherever they go. 

It’s a wonderful way to teach kids about the value of showing appreciation and how even a small gesture can have a big impact.

There are so many ways to get creative and make a positive difference in the world, and it’s never too early to start teaching our kids about the importance of kindness and empathy.

Let’s make the world a better place, one kind act at a time! 

Caryl Ann


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