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When You Know You Know

Embracing Uncertainty

Life is full of twists and turns, and “when you know you know” that uncertainty is a constant companion in our journey. 

But amidst the chaos and unpredictability, there are moments when we experience a profound sense of knowing. 

It’s that feeling when everything falls into place, and you just know that you’re on the right path. 

I really believe in trusting your intuition, believing in your dreams, and being thankful every day.

Today, I want to talk about the concept of following your intuition and how embracing certainty can truly transform our lives. 

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something and just knew deep down that it was the right decision? 

That’s the power of certainty, and I believe it’s something we should all strive to embrace more in our lives.

Trusting Your Intuition

Have you ever made a decision that defied all logic, yet it felt undeniably right? 

That’s your intuition at work. It’s your inner wisdom guiding you towards a choice that aligns with your deepest values and desires. 

As Lana Del Rey beautifully sings, “When you know, you know, you know, you know.”

Trusting your intuition can lead to unexpected opportunities and magical experiences that unfold with effortless ease.

Following Your Passion

Following your passion often accompanies moments of passionate inspiration. 

Whether it’s discovering your life’s purpose, embarking on a new creative venture, or finding your soulmate, that inner knowing fuels your pursuit of what truly sets your soul on fire. 

By following your passion with unwavering confidence, you can create a life filled with joy, fulfillment, and authentic self-expression.

Embracing Change Fearlessly

Certainty doesn’t always mean permanence. Sometimes, it’s a signal that change is necessary. 

Embracing change fearlessly is about honouring the inner certainty that nudges you towards growth, even if it requires stepping out of your comfort zone. 

It’s in these moments of embracing the unknown that we discover our true resilience and capacity for transformation.

Cultivating Self-Awareness

The ability to recognise stems from cultivating self-awareness

By developing a deep understanding of your values, beliefs, and intuitive nudges, you become attuned to the moments of clarity that signal alignment with your authentic self.

Cultivating self-awareness empowers you to make decisions that resonate with your inner truth and lead to a life of purpose and meaning.

Harnessing the Power of Conviction

“When you know you know,” it’s a testament to the power of conviction in your choices. 

Conviction breeds confidence, and confidence fuels action. 

By harnessing the power of conviction, you can navigate life’s challenges with a sense of assurance that propels you forward, even when the path ahead seems uncertain.

Celebrating Moments of Clarity

In a world of noise and distractions, moments of clarity stand out as beacons of truth. “When you know you know” is a celebration of these moments, where doubt fades away, and certainty takes the reins. 

By honouring and celebrating these moments of clarity, you anchor yourself in the present and invite more of such moments into your life.

Your Unique Journey to Certainty

Each person’s journey to is as unique as the individual themselves. 

Whether it’s a career decision, a leap of faith, a creative endeavor, or a profound realisation, embracing certainty is a personal adventure filled with discovery and growth. 

Your journey to certainty is a testament to your resilience, courage, and unwavering belief in your inner compass.


The phrase “when you know you know” encapsulates the essence of certainty in life. 

It’s a reminder to trust your intuition, follow your passion, embrace change, cultivate self-awareness, harness conviction, and celebrate moments of clarity. 

When you embrace certainty, you pave the way for a life guided by authenticity, purpose, and unshakable confidence. 

So, the next time you experience that profound knowing, embrace it wholeheartedly and let it lead you to the magic that awaits on the other side of certainty.

Caryl Ann 


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